Download "How to Organize" Workbook

This workbook is inspired by the article "How The Right Can Organize Like The Left, The American Conservative, by David Hines.
This workbook will help you learn about your local government and provides an exercise on how to get involved.

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    Get to you know local government

    A guide on how to collect information on your local government. Including research tips for those who don't know where to start.

    By the time you finish you will have a better understanding of local, county, and state government structure, including terms and up coming open seats.

    Assess your interest, skills, and assets

    Most of us think we have nothing to offer to make a difference because we focus on one individual that can make a big impact.

    A difference can be made by many people with different interests, skills, and assets coming together. It's time to assess yours.

    Ask yourself, "How can I help?" and "What can I do?"

    Now you have done the work. Learn how to put it into action.

    Ask yourself the questions in the workbook and learn how you can help and what to do.